The oil and natural gas industry is the nation’s leading investor in pioneering emission-reducing technologies and, as a result, Americans are breathing the cleanest air in decades and the U.S. leads the world in carbon dioxide emissions reductions
Environmental Progress
No nation is doing more to protect and improve the environment than the United States – with the oil and natural gas industry leading the way through investment in innovation.

Cleaner Energy = Cleaner Air
Unmatched investments by this industry have positioned the United States as the global leader in energy and environmental progress. The United States continues to lead the world in reducing carbon dioxide emissions – thanks to expanded use of natural gas in power generation.

Flaring is Decreasing
Texas has one of the lowest flaring rates of large oil and gas producing states in the country. According to the Railroad Commission, the statewide flaring rate in Texas fell to 0.19% in November. The industry has a stated goal of eliminating routine flaring by 2030, with some operators having achieved that goal already.

Cleaner Operations
Methane emissions are down dramatically, even as oil and natural gas production increases. Methane emissions intensity in the Permian Basin has declined almost 70% since 2011, as oil and gas production rose over 320%.
RRC Data Shows Continued Decline in Flaring in Texas

Recent innovation, investments and commitments

Innovations and advancements in oil and natural gas development allow the industry to develop and deploy cleaner energy technologies and world-class emissions control systems.

Texas Methane and Flaring Coalition Announces Goal of Ending Routine Flaring by 2030. Read more